Welcome to the Millenium Development Goals Research Based GTP Learning Circle
There are 8 Millenium Development Goals set by the UN and the target is to achieve all of the goals by 2015. This circle will explore what the goals are, how far we have come in achieving them and what we can do increase the chances of them being achieved by 2015.
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This Learning Circle will be facilitated by Natasha Cherednichenko. If you'll have a comments our suggestions, please send them to the Facilitator of this Learning Circle.
Sincerely, Natasha Cherednichenko, Facilitator
Picture impression of participants in the English Learning Circles
English LC's
We invite you to visits the Learning Circle wiki's:
Nature and the World around us - Images and Sounds of My Country - Digital Generation - My Dream - Olympics
Water is Life - World Literature - Olympics age 15-18 - 21 Century Learning - Environmental Sustainability - MDG's
Emerging Technologies - Youth in Action/ Volunteering - Cunina Eco Friendly Schools
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