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on February 11, 2012 at 8:08:47 pm
2. Introductions, February 20 - February 26 2012
Week 1 Official opening of the Learning Circle with the facilitator’s welcome message. Teacher and students introduce themselves by posting a Class letter, Teacher letter and a Class picture on the introduction pages.
Links to introductions of each class
- Eng LC 1, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 2, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 3, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 4, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 5, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 6, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 7, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 8, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 9, Name of school, city, country
- Eng LC 10, Name of school, city, country
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