teacher letter:
I am Dana Trocaru , C.S. teacher at Nationl College "B.P.Hasdeu" from Buzau, Romania. I have been teaching in this school for more than 17 years and I have been working fot G.T.P. for ten years .
There are secondary and high school levels and I teach to students between 15 to 19 years old. There are more than 1500 students and about 100 teachers in our school. Most of the teachers are young and use modern techniques.
We help our students to learn to work in groups and they enthusiostically participate to different extra curricular projects as G.T.P. .
The chosen topics are really suit for them , they establish a lot of contacts.We have great students to work with and we really like what we do.
I like travelling and enjoying the beauties the nature give us.
I wish you a lot of fun in this LC!
students letter:
We are from Romania, a group from National College "B.P.Hasdeu" from Buzau, Romania.
This is the third year we participate to GTP and we are so glad that we can do this again this year.
The theme chosen in this semestre is really interesting and we can say we haven`t talk to other people about the millenium development goals to our best friends, parents or our teachers.
We hope we have interesting and helpfull discussions about this interesting subject.
best wishes,
MDG1 team
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