
News 3: Questions, 04-03-12

Page history last edited by Natasha Cherednichenko 12 years, 11 months ago

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Newsletter of the "MDG's"

Phase 3: Questions
Week 3: 5 - 11 March
Dear Learning Circle Participants,
We are now in the third week of the Learning Circle. We know that you are very busy formulating a super LC question. Your questions needs to be posted in the Wiki by the end of this week.
Update of the Learning Circle
We have more introductions now, and we are so curious to read the rest of the introductions from Mary Nyandieka class, mdg2.
Agenda for the week
Please on the Questions page  and post your question in your school space.
We've kept for you the criteria in the next section.
Important Information

Criteria for quality sponsored question:

  • is posted in the wiki in time
  • is related to the theme of the LC
  • has clear definition without possible misinterpretation, taking into consideration cultural differences
  • has one main question; clarification  could be added in the form of max 3 sub-questions to guide the research  
  • the question should be 'open' and initiate research, avoid a 'closed question' that can be answered with Yes/No or very simple answer or add explain why?
  • the answer research and critical thinking
  • the question reflects international and global learning, and avoid focusing on one country or region
  • if your question doesn't match these criteria the facilitator will ask you to reformulate the question

Remember that those classes that fail to post any information by the end of this week. being teacher, class letters or sponsored questions will be removed from the Learning Circle.


We wish you lots of learning and fun during this Learning Circle and look forward to reading your question.

Natasha Cherednichenko

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Link to the URL of Learning Circle

Natasha Cherednichenko



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