Supplemetary News, 06-05-12
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by Natasha Cherednichenko 12 years, 9 months ago
The Global Teenager Project
Newsletter of the "MDG's"
Phase 6: ClosingWeek 12: 7 - 13 May 2012
Dear Learning Circle participants, We are posting one last supplementary LC Newsletter as final closing of the Learning Circle. |
Update of the Learning Circle |
The update of the Learning Circles as of May 6th has been posted. First of all I would like to thank those LC participants who posted their Goodbye messages. We urge to mdg2, mdg9 who still need to post Summaries and Goodbye messages to do so as soon as possible, after all it's just nice to say thank you to your fellow learners after working together for 11 weeks.
Ranking of the LC |
Your Summaries and Goodbye messages must be posted by Sunday May 13th as the LC ranking process will start on Monday May 14th 2012.
Each teacher and at least 5 students are expected to complete the online survey by Sunday May 13th. We say greetings now and hope to see you back in September of this year. |

Supplemetary News, 06-05-12
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